So if you haven’t heard by now I did most of the cover design for the book cover for ‘Kiss of Fire’, yep – I gladly accept responsibility for this monumental disaster. But that’s okay – the book was originally a birthday present after all – I figured I might as well.
Now, I do have some knowledge of photo editing programs – in fact I went through a brief stage about five years ago when I thought it would be fun to be a web designer. Which means, all my knowledge of photo editing is OLD. So when editing and designing the cover for Kiss of Fire I relied mostly on…
You tube
I admit, You Tube has saved me in my darkest days… Change of shirt color, eye color, weird background texture – all You Tube videos – I can’t take any credit.
So essentially I am saying that I blame You Tube for the bad cover.
Just Kidding.
That would not be fair, Google had a hand in it as well.
Either way – I am glad to admit that I will have no hand in the Photo editing for the new cover *insert collective sigh of relief here*.
I think I’ll just stick to writing.
And dancing to weird music from the 90’s.
That too.