Mark the date! Today is the day I set fingers to keyboard and actually start work on book three in the Imdalind Series – Scorched Treachery. It’s kind of exciting considering I never thought I would even write book 2, let alone 3. This is crazy.
But, now, since the project is officially a go, I am having to hammer out finer details of the story and make sure we are plot hole free.
Especially since Scorched Treachery is completely overlapped by Eyes of Ember and Burnt Devotion. And on top of that Burnt Devotion happens simultaneously with Eyes of Ember and Scorched Treachery.
Confused some?
I don’t blame you.
Let me see if I can clear it up.
Eyes of Ember= Joclyn’s POV (Point Of View)
Scorched Treachery = Wyn’s POV
Burnt Devotion = Ilyan’s POV
And then I should be able to wrap up the series with Soul of Flame (which will also take us back to Joclyn’s POV)
Now, at this point you are probably grabbing your kindle looking at the list of books on the main page… and noticing Dawn of Ash is not listed in my above list.
Yeah… about that…
Remember when I said I never really intended to write book 2? Remember when I said I wrote the book as a birthday present? Well I listed all those books there, all with really bad titles mind you, because I thought it would be funny. I also thought my grandfather would enjoy it. Now, when I planned all those titles I did so with the plot in mind – so the story has always been fully planned out – but I probably would have picked cooler titles if I would have known the book would have done so well.
So, this time around we get to deal with crappy titles. For the next series I promise to make them much cooler.
Oh, and about Dawn of Ash. I’ll use it if I need to… if not you guys might just get a really cool Novella.