Well thats that…. - Rebecca Ethington

Who would have ever thought that publishing one silly little book would have changed my life. Seriously. I never could have guessed it. ‘Kiss of Fire’ – the silly little book with the crappy cover.

When I first sent it out into the world I was flabbergasted at the response it got – heck, the response it is still getting. Over a hundred reviews on Goodreads, and 40 on amazon. You guys are amazing… seriously. The support I have gotten over this little story, the love I have felt – BLOWN AWAY!!

You have not only changed my life, but helped to make Kiss of Fire even better. I have looked at ever review to this point and taken everything constructively. Cover sucks – you’re right – so I changed it. I used the word gasp too much – that one was embarrassing (95 times) fixed it (also took out the word ‘chuckle’ too). A few minor editing issues? My editor (who is awesome) went back through and fixed them – all of them, leaving me a perfectly polished copy.

A few minutes ago I just hit submit on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Create Space. I just sent that perfectly polished copy onto cyber space, right onto your kindle, nook and into your hands.

And you helped make it that way!

You are amazing!

And to say thank you, to celebrate this little milestone I am spreading the love.

It’s February after all!

For all the month of February I am donating $1.00 from each copy sold to the Alzheimer’s Association (alz.org).

This organization is very important to me because of who I wrote this book for. My grandmother has been trapped in Alzheimer’s hell for years. She remembers nothing, not even my sweet grandfather who visits her in the hospital every day.

When I wrote the first draft of Kiss of Fire (then called ‘The Soldier’s Daughter’) in 2001 I would have never guessed that memory loss would become such a huge part of my life. But it is.

And no one should ever have to live through it. Not my grandmother, not my sweet grandfather, not the millions of people world wide.

So, spread the word about ‘Kiss of Fire’ and help to donate to this great organization.

Help us find a cure.