*knock* *knock* - Rebecca Ethington

So, I’ve been hard at work getting the next to books in the series put together. It’s been a little bit more of a challenge because the Point of View has changed. Now, I don’t mean to say that I don’t know my characters well enough to do that, no that’s not the case. The problem is that I don’t want to go poking around in their heads and disrupt such a beautiful facade.

I am talking specifically about Ilyan when I say this.

Awesome, stoic, powerful Ilyan.

I got in his head, and I got lost for days. Its like a labyrinth of mystery, and good, and bad, and hope – so much hope it hurts. I found myself opening up doors that I didn’t even know existed, knocking boisterously at new ones, and discovering more depth then should strictly be allowed and really that’s quite a feat because I created the guy.


I’m confusing you aren’t I?

Well, Burnt Devotions (Ilyan’s Book) is for lack of a better word, done. Now, it still had 5 beta readers to go though, and an editor or two. But it’s still done.

Which means I had to leave Ilyan head for a bit, and sadly I missed him…

So, (since he won the ‘who do you want to meet most’ contest on facebook) I wrote up a little ‘Meet Ilyan’ post. If you were reading this – it would have been written pre Kiss of Fire.

And sorry if it’s still cryptic, you will just have to wait until April to get to know Ilyan a bit more.


Full Name: Ilayn Vylkiv Kral (pronounces Ill-ee-ahn)

Height: 6’3”

Weight: 160 lbs.

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Age: I would rather not say…

Identifying Feature: It is who I am that is the problem, not what I look like

  1.       What time did you go to bed last night and were you alone? I haven’t slept in a few days, but when I did. Yes, I was alone.
  2.       What is your favorite TV show of all time ie you’ve seen them all, can watch it over and over again and quote lines from it? I do not own a television. In my life there is no time for such trivial things.
  3.       What’s your favorite way to wake up and what’s the first thing you do? I am not a morning person. I seldom get more than a few hours of sleep, so I do not have a favorite way to wake up. That being said, I always need a shower in the morning.
  4.      What’s the worst/most embarrassing CD/Album you’ve ever owned and do you still have it? I am not even sure what that means….
  5.       What would be your dream vehicle (bikes, cars, boats, batcar and millenium falcon is allowed!)? I stole a Mazda once that I quite enjoyed driving. If I ever had a chance I might steal another one of those again.
  6.       What’s your favorite sandwich? Dandelion, shortbread.
  7.       What characteristics do you dislike in yourself? I have been around too long to worry about such things. When you are my age I think you will realize that worry only makes you dislike yourself.
  8.       Your favorite item of clothing and why? I have a belt I am particularly fond of. My mother gave it to me quite some time ago. She made it for me to celebrate my sister’s wedding.
  9.       What did you want to be when you were little and do you think you ever will be? I wanted to be like my father. And, while I have taken his place I like to believe myself to be nothing like him.
  10.   What’s the next planned event you’re looking to in your life? I am leaving tomorrow to pick something up, that should be an interesting venture.
  11.   What were you doing before you started this? Packing to leave
  12.   What was the last thing you ate that you really shouldn’t of ? I don’t eat things I am not supposed to. The human race would be better to do the same.
  13.   Who was the last person you spoke to that you didn’t want to talk to? My sister.
  14.   What did you dream about last night? The girl. Always the girl.
  15.   What are you really afraid of? Not being able to save her.