ARC of Eyes of Ember! Giveaway! - Rebecca Ethington

So, you’ve read Kiss of Fire, you’ve cried your eyes out at the ending and you are sitting here thinking – WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT?

You’re pulling your hair out, screaming at your kindle and all around having a bit of a hay day.. well never fear… I have a solution for you…

You see I am giving away one copy of the Eyes of Ember ARC this week to celebrate the upcoming re-release of Kiss of Fire. So, if You don’t think you can wait until April 6th but you CAN wait until March 25th… this may be the first step to recovery.


So, follow the instructions below and good luck everyone!

Disclaimers – you must be 18 years old, or older, to enter. No images are to be reproduced for profit per the request of the author. Non-disclosure agreement must be signed before product is distributed. Item is only distributed in e-format, no exceptions. Winners will be selected and emailed with 72 hours of contest ending. Winners have an additional 72 hours to return email with requested information or prize is fore-fitted. For additional terms and conditions please see below. Book will be distributed on March 25th 2013.
a Rafflecopter giveaway