Grab your Hammers and Shovels! - Rebecca Ethington

This website is going under construction!

I teaser about it a few months ago when I released my master plan for 2016 – but thanks to well… life… this got pushed back. UNTIL NOW… and yes, you have to say that in some kind of an ominous voice.

Starting today I am going to be redesigning my website – and yes, I am a little nervous about it. Despite going to school in web design things have changed just enough that I am wary – PLUS – I won’t be closing down the site, or designing behind the scenes like most “real” web designer do – I am going to be doing everything live!


Basically, that means that everything is going to be looking VERY weird from time to time, and that sometimes things will change so much that you might get a little confused. But all the information will be here – and accessible – so do’t run away – just enjoy the show – and you never know – I might just throw in a few giveaways for good measure – and as a thanks for putting up with the dust 😉