Happy Halloween Everyone!! - Rebecca Ethington

Today is the day!! The day you binge watch Hocus Pocus and eat candy until you pass out! The day you dress up like a rescue ranger… or a power ranger… and hit people with foam swords!

It’s Halloween!

I love Halloween, which is why it’s kind of unfortunate that I’m stuck writing all day today. No costumes, no candy, chances are high that Hocus Pocus won’t be involved… but hey, I also get to spend the day with Ilyan and Joclyn… so its a toss up.

But! As I don’t get to be all cool and halloweeney – I might as well pass on the scares! With FREE copies of Through Glass!!


All you have to do to claim is head on over to InstaFreebie and fill out a form, then they will email you your free copy! Bam! Done!

But you better get on it, there are only 50 copies available… and you don’t want to miss out. If you haven’t started Through Glass… now is your chance…