I think we are back… So let’s have a giveaway - Rebecca Ethington

We have had a rough couple of days – the website kept going down and no one could figure out why – even after several calls to bluehost (my hosting company) it was still a mystery. I would love to say that they gave us the run round – but they really were trying their best.

In the end, it came down that the new theme I had installed to redesign the website was interacting badly with a plugin and making everything crash. This is why I don’t work with computers, peeps. Its all foreign to me.

Luckily, I know quite a few computer programers and one of them –Rick Chiantaretto – saved the day and hacked into my site and fixed it. He’s so freaking cool! And yes, he moonlights as an author, so if you are looking for something to read make sure to click that link I put on his name up there…

Anyway, it appears all is good to go – and the redesign is ready to continue on the page. Woot!

Meanwhile, we are all going crazy over the fan base with this read a long – we are all one with Kiss of Fire and are moving on to Eyes of Ember tomorrow – so there is still time to join us. Plus, I do these VERY bizarre live videos once a week – so even more of a reason to come and play.

Want one more? We have a weekly giveaway for an ARC. In fact, this week, just for fun, I am going to share that giveaway with you!  Double Woot!

Make sure to enter for your chance of a Crown of Cinders Arc – and don’t forget to join me and my crazy self in the read-a-long!

a Rafflecopter giveaway