Imdalind Update - Rebecca Ethington

I’m going to keep this short, mostly because I am not one for much of a to-do about stuff like this. But partly because I am really excited about what’s changing with Imdalind.

So, I was writing the next book in the Imdalind Series a few weeks ago, doing all the plotting, finishing up Spark of Vengeance (which came out last week, guys. Go get it!) and genuinely just getting lost in Ilyan’s eyes… wait what? No, I was plotting, I said I was plotting.

So, (*cough*) I was plotting the next Imdalind book and I realized something. I can finish this sucker up in the next book. I can wrap it all up in the next book, and not in a rush way. The right way. I realized that Ryland would make the right decision, that would lead to an end much sooner than I had planned. Leave it to Ryland to be the good guy. I got out my post-it notes and went to work with my mad plotting, going to town on all the things and realized that yes, yes I can. And, in fact, it needs to be done. Having two more books would just drag out the entire thing and leave the ending a monotonous menader of doom.

Ain’t no one want that. So, I cancelled the last book of Imdalind that was on preorder (Final Inferno) and pushed back the next one by 30 days (Flare of Villainy) so that I could make sure the ending was every wonderful moment I wanted it to be. But then, that’s it. Besides the Academy books (which will both be out by the end of the year) that’s it. Imdalind is done.

See, I told you I was going to make it short.

Imdalind Announcment