Wow. Second negative post in a row, next time positive and upbeat. Like monkey’s tangoing in a moonlit cafe. Yep, that IS worth waiting around for.
So I have begun working on the query, or synopsis, if you will for ‘Kiss of Fire.’ Now, this time around, due to the gift requirement of this novel, I am not seeking representation. So this query isn’t getting sent around to agents, its getting sent to bloggers. Along with a nice letter that convinces them to read, review, and giveaway my book all with as little begging as possible.
The problem that I am having is that synopsis’ are so much harder then they should be. And, its not just me. Ask any author. They are pull your hair out hard. How in the world do you break down 110,000 words into 200, make it interesting while not giving anything away? Yep, that’s trouble. Which means that my waste basket looks like this:
And, my paper looks like this:
Yep, that’s a whole lotta nothing. Don’t worry, we will have a perfected query soon, and I’ll give you a sneak peak. So hang around.