Through Glass #5 – early and FREE??? HOW??? - Rebecca Ethington

How would you like to read Through Glass #5 early – and FREE?? I know… I know that sounds like a cheesy car salesman gimmick but I am just going to go with it!

So as you know I released Through Glass #4 last week – and well… the release didn’t quite as well as planned. First we had health issues in my house that sucked up my time so I couldn’t celebrate quite as much as I wanted to. And then, iBooks decided to wait (intact we are still waiting) to publish the book. The whole thing made me all sour and put out.

And in an attempt to spread happy as is my goal for April I am going to give away lots and lots of copies.

So first – if you are an ibooks user and haven’t gotten your copy of Through Glass – please email me and I will make sure you get a copy ASAP.

Second – if you want a FREE ADVANCED copy of Through Glass #5 (due out April 4th 2014) I want to give away those to. But I need your help first…

You see, with the switch to a novella series the books are now achingly devoid of reviews. And I kinda feel bad for them. So, what am going to do is this:

Go and leave your HONEST review on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or iBooks for all four of the Through Glass Novellas and BAM – free copy.

Sounds easy right? Well, it is. Honest reviews really are the best way for authors to share their books, whether they be good bad, one paragraph and twelve. Each honest review is perfect and so cherished. So even if its only a sentence, it qualifies.

So go – leave your reviews and then head over to this form and paste the links to said reviews into the handy dandy boxes. Once that’s done I will send you your copy – and BAM… you will find out what happens next before anyone else…

Good luck…

