Want to be one of the first to read Crown of Cinders? - Rebecca Ethington

I know you do… and here is your chance…

Screen Shot 2016-04-07 at 12.00.27 PMI’m going to be starting the launch team for Crown of Cinders a little early! And boy, am I excited! I’ve never done a launch team before – but I want to make this launch (the last launch of the Imdalind Series) as big as it can be, and as always – I can’t do that alone!
Participants in my launch team get sneak peaks to things like early drafts, covers (even the work in progress ones), special swag etc etc etc
If you want to participate you ned to be willing to post like crazy about Imdaind when the times comes, possibly take charge of different parts of the crazy, leave reviews upon release – And, of course, you need to love Imdalind. 

Anyone can be part of this – however, you must have left a review for ALL of the previous Imdalind books on Amazon.
You don’t have to have a review previously, but you DO need to have a separate review for each book. So if you haven’t left  review before – you can go write one now to be considered.
To join the Launch Team all you need to do is send me an email to contact(@)Rebeccaethington(dot)com stating your interest, along with links to your previously left reviews.
Thats it!
I hope to see a bunch of you over there!