So Eyes of Ember is officially out! It’s blowing through top 100 lists on Amazon, its breezing around in that happy way that makes me all goofy and overly happy inside.
With the release of Eyes of Ember I have been getting a lot of questions as to where the series is going, and when can we expect to see the next book out. Can I just start by saying that the rough draft of Scorched Treachery AND Burnt Devotion will be done by the end of next week, my Beta’s are already clamoring to get at them, the editor is booked and my dates are set!!
Now, that being said – there is talk of Scorched treachery and Burt Devotion being merged into one book. I’m not sure if this is going to happen yet – but I will definitely keep you all posted. 🙂
But don’t worry about it too much, just know this, if that does happen it will only happen because it will help the series flow better and increase the story.
For now, however, all you need to know is this: The next book releases on July 10th 2013
Beyond this point is a bit of a Spoiler – so if you haven’t read Eyes of Ember yet I suggest you stop, grab yourself a copy and then return promptly upon finishing.
Okay, now lets get down to business.
So now, lets answer that all important question that is plaguing everyone’s minds:
Will Book Three Be In Wyn’s Point-Of-View?
Answer: YES!!
When I wrote Kiss of Fire I never expected it to take off and write the rest of the series, if I had I would have written the whole thing in third person perspective or switched perspectives at chapter breaks. Since I didn’t, the next two books will be done in different perspectives. Book 3 – Scorched Treachery- will be done in Wyn’s perspective, covering what happens to her once she is captured. Book four – Burnt Devotion – is from Ilyan’s point of view and covers what happens while Joclyn is stuck in the Touha at the end of Eyes of Ember.
Okay – now I know you’ve read that and you’ve flipped a lid. I know because I’ve gotten the emails and heard the murmurings online. So lets stop really fast and clarify some things.
Scorched Treachery is in Wyn’s perspective. Yes, we’ve covered this, but the big consensus on this is two fold. 1. That I am backtracking and 2. That I am leaving Ilyan and Jos in quite the predicament. So to answer: 1- Yes, I am backtracking, but not as much as you think You see Jos only knows that Wyn is captured she doesn’t know what happens, how she escaped and what happens while she is captured. I could leave it and have a ‘long conversation’ to cover the missing pieces, but in this instance I can’t – too much happens to fast. And besides, Wyn is imprisoned with Sain and Ryland – a lot of this story is what they have done to Ryland too. and then 2. Yes. And, sadly, I have no excuse for this. I know I am doing this. I can’t help it. As previously stated I didn’t think ahead. I wrote a book for a 94 year old man lol – next series we won’t run into this problem I guarantee it. This is one of the reasons there has been talk of combining Burnt Devotion and Scorched Treachery – in that way we wouldn’t be leaving Ilyan and Jos.
Burnt Devotion is in Ilyan’s perspective and covers what happens while Joclyn is stuck in the Touha to about two weeks after. It is in Ilyan’s perspective that we continue with Ilyan and Jos’ story. Now the same questions are posed with the book and once again the answers are the same. Yes, it is backtracking and no I can’t cover it with back flash – yet another reason there is talk of combining them. After all who wants to read the same stretch of time three times.
Not me.
Now, I know the next question that is buzzing around in your head is ‘Will we still get to see stuff from Jos?’ This is a hard question, because if you remember Wyn and Jos are not together and Jos is kind of sleeping.. But even though we don’t see her a ton, lots – no that’s not strong enough LOTS of stuff is going on. Now, while we see a lot of Ryland and Jos and Ilyan in all books we don’t return to Joclyn’s Point of View until book 5, which should close up the series – unless something crazy happens.
And crazy stuff is bound to Happen.
It always does.
Happy reading everyone!!